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STOWA Workshop 'Beating Micropollutants!'

During this STOWA-Workshop 'Beating Micropollutants!' at the Aquatech expo representatives of six countries - Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Australia and Singapore - present the highlights of their national research and the progress of full scale implementation of installations for micropollutant removal at WWTP’s; backgrounds and relevant national developments are explained.


> You find a report of this event and the presentations below


Since 2018 the Dutch Water Partners are researching innovative technologies for removal of micropollutants at WWTP’s. This research is carried out within an extensive program, which is initiated and managed by STOWA and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in The Netherlands. The program focusses on feasibility of technologies, which are on the threshold of break-through. Key information on effluent quality, CO2 footprint and costs of selected 20 technologies has been collected and judged by more than 100 Dutch water professionals. Feasibility studies are standardized. In this way the technologies can be compared and decisions on which technologies are further researched in pilot experiments, can be made transparent.

Part of the Dutch program is to coordinate this research & innovation program with international comparable initiatives. During the 'STOWA Workshop Research Programs Micropollutant Removal Wastewater Treatment Plants' representatives of seven countries present the highlights of their national research and the progress of full scale implementation of installations for micropollutant removal at WWTP’s; backgrounds and relevant national developments are explained.

Similarities and differences in research programs are identified during this interactive workshop. Opportunities for collaboration will be explored. There will be ample room for discussions in this interactive event. For this workshop non-commercial water professionals from all over the world are invited.

STOWA invites you to attend this workshop as a representative from your organization and/or country. If you would like to present activities and results, please contact Cora Uijterlinde